Monday, July 31, 2017


Recently, I was chosen by TryAZon to sample a new weightloss pill from Lovidia. Small little pills that you take once to twice to day to help curb hunger- easy enough, right? I was in! I was eager to try! Participants were sent a package containing about a months supply of pills, an instruction packets, and small info packets to pass along to friends. I was most impressed by the packaging of the pills. Instead of big, bulky, noisy pill bottles, the Lovidia pills came in small, compact and dare I say, cute, pill holders. They weren't obvious and easy to stick in your back pocket or even your wallet (depending on the size). You could pack just enough for the day, or your entire supply. When I first began to take the pills, I definitely noticed a change in my hunger levels. I felt way less hungry than normal- woohoo! I lost a few pounds in the first two weeks but then as time went on, I kept going back to my old habits. I'm a habitual boredom eater; I just eat when I'm bored! I've also recently been between jobs (just started up 2 new ones!) so I had a lot of down time, which I filled with snacking. I definitely think that if you're a stick-to-your-plans kinda person, this could definitely work in your favor. I just need to be better about it and I know it could work for me. Now that I've started my new two jobs, I've slipped one of my little pill pockets into my work bag- hopefully I can be more diligent! I highly recommend checking out the website and reading up on the products. They can definitely be effective if you're serious about it! Find it here:

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